Finnish university students (n = 198) assessed their attitudes and achievements in implementation of sustainable development in their daily life. The data were collected using a theory-grounded semantic differential technique. A measurement instrument was created by balancing 36 variables of environmental, economic and social sustainability. As a result of logistic regression analysis post-material behaviour was predicted statistically significant by the following attitudes:

(a) Health-promoting lifestyle,
(b) Recycling,
(c) Organic food,
(d) Water conservation,
(e) Maintaining of civil society,
(f) Favouring eco-labelled products and services, and
(g) Favouring renewable energy resources.

These themes are discussed in the paper and a model of sustainability promoting social change is created.

Please see Salonen, A. & Åhlberg, M. (2012). Towards sustainable society – From materialism to post-materialism (in Press). International Journal of Sustainable Society. Available