1. Reducing poverty and inequality can slow population growth.
2. Unleashing the power of women and girls can accelerate progress on all fronts.
3. Energetic and open to new technologies, young people can transform global politics and culture.
4. Ensuring that every child is wanted and every childbirth safe can lead to smaller and stronger families.
5. Each of us depends on a healthy planet, so we must all help protect the environment.
6. Promoting the health and productivity of the world’s older people can mitigate the challenges faced by ageing societies.
7. The next 2 billion people will live in cities, so we must plan for them now.

Crossette, B. (Ed.) 2011. State of world population 2011.People and possibilities in a world of 7 billion. United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Available http://foweb.unfpa.org/SWP2011/reports/EN-SWOP2011-FINAL.pdf